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Rob LeBlanc

Candidate profile

Hockey Card:

Occupation: Snowboard Instructor/Carpenter

Furthest place travelled : New Zealand

Describe yourself in five words or less: Principled, approachable, open-minded, flexible, fair.

What is something people would be surprised to learn about you? I have an embarrassingly thorough knowledge of '80s pop culture!

Profile Questions :

What do you see as the top election issues ? Fiscal responsibility: Because the taxpayers demand it. Municipal hall needs to deliver value for our tax dollars. Minimize waste. We need to look at our priorities very carefully, and base our decisions on the needs of the community.

Governance and Transparency: Because it is the way council should run. Council's job is to carry out the will of people, which is articulated in the Whistler2020 long-term vision document. These goals were distilled from extensive community and stakeholder consultation. The Official Community Plan (OCP), which is mandated by law, establishes the policies and actions that will guide us towards achieving the goals laid out in the Whistler2020 vision. There are regular updates to the OCP. It is democratically inclusive. There is ongoing monitoring of our progress to ensure we are on the right track.

All policy decisions and development applications should be analyzed in relation to whether or not they will move us towards or away from our goals.

The Chief Administrative Officer should ensure that staff uses this framework in order to advise council on how to best proceed. If everyone is doing his or her job properly, the process will be transparent, fair, and as quick as possible.

Council should think long and hard before rejecting staff's advice. We need to let staff do their job.

Any group or individual that deals with council deserves to be treated with respect. Transparency, fairness and timeliness will emerge when council sticks to their role and follows proper procedures.

How would you address the budget shortfall? Council must direct the CAO to ensure value for every tax dollar spent. It is not for council to decide who gets laid off - or which lawns don't get mowed! Council sets policy and controls the purse strings. Managers must live within the budgets they are given. Staff needs to analyze possible cuts or taxes and fee increases the same way all policy or development permits are examined: through the framework of the OCP and Whistler2020 documents. It is the only way to ensure that significant changes reflect the will of the majority of the people.

What do you think is the RMOW's role in boosting tourism? I welcome any and all proposals that would help bring in more visitors. Council must be open to solutions. I challenge the tourism industry to bring their ideas forward. Staff will then evaluate them based on the OCP and Whistler2020 vision.

What would you do to enhance the environment for business? When business brings forward a proposal or applies for permits, they need to feel that the process is clear, fair and timely. Council must not make demands that are inconsistent with our planning goals. Any proposal that falls significantly outside the stated goals of the community must be looked at extremely closely. This will necessarily take more time.

I welcome any and all proposals that would help the current business climate. I challenge the business sector to bring their ideas forward. Staff will evaluate them based on the OCP and Whistler2020.

Give an example of a difficult decision you have overcome: I was involved with an organization that had dysfunctional governance. Roles weren't being followed; staff was confused; morale was low; productivity was hampered and tempers were flared. Sound familiar? We sat everyone down and ensured that everyone knew and respected each other's roles, and we slowly turned things around. It is only by adhering to the rules of governance that we move forward.

Where can people go to get your election platform?