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Daredevil dog chickens out, gets rescued

Dog attempts ropeless apartment building climb in Squamish, but gets stuck

Construction workers rescued a daredevil dog that tried walking on an apartment ledge three storeys up the Soleil apartment complex on Main Street in Squamish.

In true climber fashion, the canine, which was living in an apartment unit, saw the window was open and decided to step outside and free solo its way onto a ledge.

However, it quickly realized it didn't have the skills for a rope-free climb and froze when it reached the end.

"I went up to the third floor and I tried knocking on the door, but there was nobody home," said Ken Chan of Prospex Development.

"(I) called the strata manager here, tried contacting the owners, and we couldn't get a hold of the owner."

Since the owner couldn't be contacted workers took it upon themselves to rescue the dog.

Crews operated a lift to raise rescuers to the ledge.

Several people at ground level also held out tarps below to catch the canine in case it fell.

Nearby, a dog sitter living in the complex had seen the whole thing, and took in the rescued canine.

The sitter will be trying to reunite the pooch with its owner, Chan said.

Chan said it was a team effort.

Many people helped out, including the SVR Construction Team and Debora Jurado, the safety officer at the site, he said.