Peter is a busy little cottontail. Hes hip-hopping down several Whistler trails this Easter Sunday.
His first stop is to the north in Pemberton at North Arm Farm. Theres an easter egg hunt for the kiddies at noon ($3/child) with live bunnies, raffles and a BBQ. The event goes rain or shine.
The fun continues all afternoon at the Meadow Park Sports Centre with an Easter Bunny Skate and Swim. Peter will lace up his skates from 1 to 4 p.m. Face painting, crafts and an egg hunt (3 p.m.) are all included with the regular price of admission to the centre: $3/child; $6/adult; $12/family.
And dont forget to enter the Meadow Park Easter Colouring Contest. The picture and application form can be picked up from the sports centre. The deadline is Sunday afternoon.