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Naturespeak: Whistler’s 2023 Annual Christmas Bird Count

The count period starts Dec. 14 and goes until Jan. 5 every year
A female pine grosbeak feasts on berries, a favourite bird to spot on the Christmas Bird Count.

There is a twitter amongst the local birders—something is in the air.

Dec. 14 is the start of the Christmas Bird Count. This year will be the 124th instalment of the annual Audubon Christmas counts. In 1900, Frank Chapman and 26 other conservationists got together to create a community event to enlist people to experience nature during the cold winter months. The focus of the Christmas Bird Count is on ornithological research, citizen science and conservation. It is the longest-running citizen science project, and all the cumulative historical data is stored and available on Audubon’s website.

The count period starts Dec. 14 and goes until Jan. 5 every year. It has become a birding tradition in North America, and is rising in popularity in South America and Europe. There are now more than 2,000 Christmas Bird Counts across the Western Hemisphere. Every count is restricted to a “count circle” of a 24-kilometre diameter from a set point in an area. A contact person is given for each circle. It is exciting to see so many communities participating and contributing to this mega project.

Birds Canada collects and analyzes the data from counts across Canada. They collate the status of counted birds, the numbers of birds for each species, the highlights and the lowlights, as well as the rare and unusual stragglers who may have been blown in by storms, lost in migration, or otherwise stranded in winter conditions. The data is forwarded to Audubon.

Whistler’s 2021 Christmas Bird Count was a delight thanks to a wintering couple of Anna’s hummingbirds! A first for Whistler. In 2022, we recorded both species of crossbills (white-winged and red crossbills). The alpine counters managed to spot one very well-camouflaged ptarmigan—a white bird on white snow—and two Clark’s nutcrackers, to one skier’s delight. Annually, Whistler counters spot an average of 40 species of birds. Not all birds migrate in winter; many are here for year-round viewing.

All Christmas Bird Counts are free to participants. As a volunteer field counter, dress warmly, carry water and a lunch, and follow a prescribed route. Firstly, register with the compiler, and plan your hike, drive, cross-country or downhill ski, then watch for birds on Dec. 14 in Whistler. If wandering out in the cold doesn’t suit you, you can stay indoors and do a “feeder watch” count and report your sightings to the compiler.

You do not have to be an expert birder to take part, as there are many smartphone apps to help identify birds. If you see a bird and are unsure of what species it is, snap a photo. Merlin Bird ID is a free app to download which has many features to support a novice birder by uploading your photo for identification or by recording the bird sounds. eBird is another app to help you track your trails, mileage, and bird count, all while delivering your data directly to Cornell University’s Lab of Ornithology for research use. Every bird counts.

If participating in the Christmas Bird Count intrigues you, join in the fun and learn more about the birding community, birding, and conservation while adding to the historical data collection of the longest-running citizen science project!

For more information contact Shawn, Whistler’s Christmas Count Compiler, at [email protected].

Naturespeak is prepared by the Whistler Naturalists. To learn more about Whistler’s natural world, go to