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Letter to the Editor: Vail Resorts should follow Resorts of the Canadian Rockies’ lead

'Whistler Blackcomb has no excuse. [Its leaders] know the risk.'
skiing at whistler blackcomb
Skiing Upper Peak to Creek on Whistler Mountain. Whistler Blackcomb is set to open for the 2021/22 ski season on Nov. 25.

Fantastic news! All 75 ski resorts in Quebec will require a vaccine certificate to access their mountains this winter. [And on Nov.1 we learned that] Resorts of the Canadian Rockies (RCR), which includes Fernie, Kicking Horse, Kimberley, and Nakiska “has decided to require proof of COVID-19 immunization record to access all chair lifts and indoor facilities at our resorts this winter. This decision has been made with the goal of providing you, our guests, our staff, and our resort communities with the safest environment possible.”

[The organization goes on to say:] “If you are not comfortable providing a COVID-19 Immunization Record, Resorts of the Canadian Rockies will be providing a full refund on unused product. Refund requests must be submitted on or before December 15, 2021.”

Is the prospect of refunds the reason Whistler Blackcomb will not do the right thing? Whistler Blackcomb will lose a lot more customers by not putting safety first. Vaccinated international visitors and Canadian long-haul travellers will have safer options for their winter vacation at other great Canadian mountain resorts.

There has been deafening silence from Whistler’s community leaders but local MLA, Jordan Sturdy, has been lobbying in Victoria on behalf of making proof of vaccination a requirement. B.C.’s public health officer Dr. Bonnie Henry made her position clear to Sturdy: she does not feel it necessary to include this activity in an order, but Dr. Henry said Vail Resorts/Whistler Blackcomb is quite within its right to mandate vaccines to access the mountain.

Dr. Henry’s position that riding in a gondola doesn’t pose a risk for transmission is inconsistent and not based on science, but to be fair she must be overwhelmed with trying to keep our health-care system operational.

Whistler Blackcomb has no excuse. [Its leaders] know the risk. Their focus should be to take all available measures to make the mountain as safe as possible for customers, staff, and the community.

John Konig // Whistler