STVs on parade
We heard a lot about the STV during the lead up to the Provincial Election; here is another STV idea: Sustainable Transportation Vehicles.
Last July, following Whistler's Canada Day Parade, I wrote suggesting that the organizers of the 2005 parade strive to encourage this year's participants to be a little more sustainable in their choice of parade transportation. Recall the contingent of RCMP officers, their horse and dog and how they stole the show. Why? Because they left their ÒridesÓ back at headquarters and instead Òhoofed itÓ around the village. En route their horse and other horses did their part by re-cycling hay a few times.
This is a reminder for the parade committee to stress sustainable parading and/or those planning to parade to leave their rides at home or work. Look for STV ideas. Please no more mayor driving a hybrid when a purebred was strapped to the roof; Rotary, push or peddle your potentate, don't Beamer him or her. WAVE, no more diesel belching buses on the plaza please. Rob, keep out of the purple pimp mobile and walk with your skier. Firefighters re-think the throbbing rescue engine inching its way through the throngs. ATVs and Hummers, what more need be said, STV the parade.
Whistler is the best bike mecca of North America, and maybe even beyond, thanks to an enlightened, ongoing municipal policy of trail development, W.O.R.C.A., and Intrawests' bike parks. As a result Whistler sports a myriad of bike rental shops. I am sure any group wanting to pedal around the parade route could partner (just like the bike shops and restaurants and bars do for the Loonie races) with one of the shops for STVs. ÒMom, look at all of the firefighters on the big downhill bikes with the cool helmets.Ó
Likewise Whistler is a world-class golf destination as exemplified by the return of the Skins Game. The courses could supply electric carts embossed with their logo to those groups who can't march or pedal.
Pipers, band members, Mounties, keep on marching and, to the energetic Whistler gymnastics club members, keep on cart wheeling. To the rest, please become a little more sustainable in your parading.
As a youngster I always thought it would be fun to be in a parade. This year, still being young at heart, I plan to ride my bike in the Canada Day Parade so fellow members of W.O.R.C.A. and any riders at any age will come and join me and we will make our own STV flow.
P.S. Downhillers, X-country, roadies, be sure to wear your most colourful gear. We will be meeting in the parade staging area. Just look for the kid on the bike. Ride it don't drive it!
Tom Thomson
DonÕt hook the Chinook
Once again the spring fishing promotion in Pique Newsmagazine features, amongst other angling targets, the Chinook salmon now holding in the Birkenhead River. Anglers are encouraged to Òhave lots of line or backingÉ if you're going for a Chinook.Ó
The last few years have seen the Pemberton Wildlife Association, the Sport Fishing Advisory Board and the Whistler Angling Club reach an agreement that no targeting of Chinook on the Birkenhead should be encouraged. The low number of Chinook, the increasing numbers of anglers and the closing of the Birkenhead hatchery have increased the runÕs vulnerability.
To the fishing guides I say, be content with trying to spot one of these monsters in the water. Risking the lethal stressing of fish flopping on the bank while unhooking and photographing it is not appreciated by the fish or the PWA volunteers who have worked hard for the last 14 years to maintain the stock numbers.
Hugh Naylor
Friends help library grow
The Friends of the Library would like to thank all the great people of this community who helped make our first plant sale a huge success. All plants were sold.
Thank you to Trilogy Management for the space at the IGA parking lot; Pat Mallholand from Carney's Composting for the soil amendment; Paul Beswetherick of the Whistler Municipality made a generous donation of all the tulip and daffodil bulbs.
A big hug for all the volunteers who came out and made it all happen. Allison Hunter and Gary PringleÕs trailer was working overtime.
Thank you Garden Club members for all your help and contributions, including the great advice of our gardening gurus.
All in all it was a huge success; over $1,600 was raised for the Whistler Public Library.
We plan on making this an annual event. See you next year!
Christy Auer for Friends of the Whistler Library
Bank machine guardian angel
I hate to admit that IÕm capable of doing something so incredibly boneheaded as walking away from a bank machine without taking my $60 cash withdrawal, but thatÕs what happened last week.
For all of you that let that kind of cash slip through your fingers daily buying premium gas for your luxury SUVs, it may not seem like much, but trust me, when student loan payments and rent cannibalize your paycheque every month that $60 means a whole lot more.
So to the lovely, kindhearted soul that decided to turn that $60 in to the bank for safekeeping instead of pocketing it, I say this: thank you so very, very much.
You know who you are. I know who you are. And this world is a better place because of your honesty and integrity.
Shelley Arnusch
First year a success
As the end of the "school year" approaches, the
Pemberton Learning Centre, a parent co-op for alternative education, would like
to express our sincere gratitude to all those who made our first year a
resounding success.
Thanks to dozens of enthusiastic community members, from
farmers and biologists to bakers and dancers. You shared your stories and
ignited our curiosity. You showed us that learning extends far beyond school
walls, and lasts well passed the school bell's ring.
Thanks to Solterra School Society, the start-up group from
which we grew. You not only provided financial assistance, but gave many of us
an outlet to express our desire for different ways of looking at education, and
the motivation needed to take the next step.
Thanks to all the parents. It takes hard work and courage to do
what you know in your heart is best for your child, even though it is a step
off the main trail. Thanks for being committed to an alternative education.
And thanks especially to all the kids who have supported each
other and grown together. You have invented games, shared music and meals, told
stories, taught each other things, challenged and welcomed each other. You are
why we bother. We believe in you, respect you, trust and love you. Your curiosity
about the world inspires us to keep opening as many doors as possible for you.
It has been challenging, and it's still just the beginning. But
without this whole community of learners, teachers, partners and parents, we
couldn't have come this far.
Lesley Becker, Dana Burgess, Bernice Raabis and the members of the Pemberton Alternative Education Co-op.
The choice is clear
Some Whistlerites want London Drugs because they too want the cheap CDs, kitchen, photographic, electronic stuff that LD sells in Vancouver? What a bunch of ignorant buffoons! I buy over the counter drugs and cosmetics at a London Drugs store close to my Vancouver Skytrain station, mainly because they are open late, not for their prices. I buy much cheaper film and processing at Costco and the Canadian Superstore, get a much better choice of cameras and/or computers in many small businesses, who match or better LD prices and have a more knowledgeable staff. The choice of CDs, magazines and books at LD is pathetic compared not only to Virgin and Chapters, but also to many small businesses in Vancouver.
I also object to any drugstore, not just LD, who also sell cigarettes and junk food. Surely this goes against the Hypocratic oath that pharmacists swear when they are licensed, or is it only a quaint European custom? (Over there privately owned drugstores do a good business selling only drugs and quality cosmetics.)
I don't begrudge LD their right to make as much money as possible but surely they are not an essential part of anyone's life. People who choose to live in a small resort town cannot expect to have all the conveniences of a big town. There isn't a mountain or beach resort in the world with suburbs full of big cheap stores. The choice is clear: beautiful small town, not too many services and choices, or huge metropolis and everything you can imagine, both good and bad.
J-L Brussac
No Ôdaycare disasterÕ in Pemberton
As a current parent and former Board Member of The Pemberton Childcare Society (PCS), I would like to comment on the letter to the editor that was submitted by Pam Shereantal in last week's edition of Pique Newsmagazine.
Firstly, it is unfortunate that Ms. Shereantal's statements and comments provide misinformation. Her facts are not correct; either she has been misinformed or unfortunately been misled. Perhaps if Ms. Shereantal had attended any of the monthly board meetings, assisted with special events, or taken a more active role in the centre, she would have gotten more of her facts straight.
It is also unfortunate that Ms. Shereantal did not provide her name or her address along with her letter, which is a requirement of Pique Newsmagazine for all letters to the editor. Ms. Shereantal tells us that she has children currently attending the Pemberton Meadows Daycare, however current records indicate that there is no Pam Shereantal. If the writer of the letter could respond to [email protected], it would be appreciated.
I also question the choice of words used by Pique's editorial staff in regards to the caption ÒPemberton daycare disaster.Ó A new daycare facility in Pemberton can only be construed as a positive and this headline is misleading.
I would like to thank and acknowledge the board of directors of the PCS for their dedication to Childcare in Pemberton as well as the Village of Pemberton for providing land for a new facility to be built.
Cherie LeBlanc
Second that emotion
Regarding Max's June 16, 2005 column:
What Max said...
Times Two.
Scott Pass
Community support appreciated
The school year is finally winding down and we would like to take this opportunity to thank the many people that have helped us in the past few months.
Myrtle Philip and Spring Creek Community Schools once again held their annual Fun Day. Although the schools held separate events this year, we benefited from the generosity of the same individuals and businesses. Thanks so much to Bruce at Nesters, Jerry Marsh at Creekside Market, Jim at IGA, Whistler Fire Department, Whistler Ambulance, Steve at Great Games & Toys, Pharmasave, Laura at Mountain Paint, Dual Mountain Drycleaners, Whistler Garden Centre, Spring Creek Daycare, Whistler Blackcomb, Mike Dean and Bruce Dangerfield.
As well, both schools hosted a Staff Appreciation Lunch and we would like to thank Stuart Woodcock at the Fairmont Chateau for the dishes, Scott Taber at the Four Seasons for the tablecloths and Aileen at Mountain Blooms.
We would also like to thank the many parent volunteers and the terrific staff at both schools.
Without this wonderful community support, these events would not happen. So on behalf of the parents and students of Myrtle Philip and Spring Creek Schools, thank you!
Jenny Roote
Colleen Warner
The retailerÕs challenge
Way to go Rick. Your letter (Meeting the Vancouver price, Pique June 16) put it very well. I too have been a retailer in Whistler for the past 18 years. From the beginning, we have always stressed and tried to educate everyone on our suggested retail pricing. We (Inside Out Boutique) have always searched quality for the price point, bearing in mind Wal-Mart and LaSenza are of a different category. Our selection has catered to department store shoppers as well as a higher end boutique shopper. In fact, in many cases our boutique selection is much less than independents in the Lower Mainland. And for the record, we have bras starting at $24 and underwear at $3.99.
It has been more apparent over the past few years with the negative media coverage causing assumed conclusion, that the higher rents, taxes and the cost of doing business in Whistler have created a sense that we all had to increase our prices to stay afloat.
The London Drug issue/letters to the editor have sent a disturbing message to me. I have concluded the population has increased but we have less local support! The general public has assumed we are not competitive and have shut us out. I don't have a problem with trips to the city. There is no doubt more to see, but to avoid ever supporting the community we live in, I have a problem with. And please don't think I am writing this letter solely on behalf of our business.
As Rick mentioned, it is the small business that support our community and surrounding areas. We as well have contributed over the years. For instance we have supported a Slow Pitch Ball Team over 10 years and a Women's Hockey Team since the league started and donated to many other fundraisers and special events. And hands up to all the other business of Whistler.
Whether London Drugs opens or not, I urge the population to take a look around and the next time you are at an event/fundraiser take note. To our local, Vancouver and return clientele: thanks for all your support over the years. To be honest the only thing that keeps us here is the familiar faces and the clientele relationships which have developed over the years. This has been the most enjoyable part of retail.
It would be uplifting to hear something positive about our independent retailers in this town.
C. Schwab
The brouhaha in context
To Max, I would like to say thank you! thank you! thank you!
Yes, finally someone is keeping all of this brouhaha in the context it belongs
Let me reminisce a little. First, the 30 acres of RR1 land that
sold for $3 million to the Park Georgia Group. It was to be a win-win. Our
community and resort were to be the beneficiaries of a wonderful complex which
would attract visitors to Whistler year round for something other than skiing.
Park Georgia sold 125 condos and the hotel site and has moved
on. Outstanding is a commitment for employee (read seniors) housing and the
fulfillment of an obligation to deliver visitors year round to the resort.
Attached to the hotel site are hotel bed-units. Perhaps, in
this market, of little value. But in 15 years there was ample opportunity to
have built and sold hotel-condo units. All of Village North emerged very
successfully in that time. And yet are we to be compromised because a developer
misjudged his opportunity?
Now we are being
asked to convert these valueless bed-units for something the developer didn't
fulfill on. This deal seems so flawed that these bed units should be rescinded to
the community. The current owners, and unfortunately this council, have not
indicated any resolve to keep the original purpose for this development as the
reason for a change in the zoning of this property.
And then the Larco development: not a smooth road this one. But
Max is dead right. What was crawl space, found space, basement, all 40,000
square feet of it, exceeded the allowable buildable, was negotiated to be
recreational, a bad weather escape zone. At the time I thought if Larco only
gets $10 per sq. ft. that is $400,000 per year. Not bad for a basement. With
Common Area Expenses at $20+ that means a tenant must pay $1.2 million just to
keep the doors open. That is $100,000 per month. It is business suicide to even
think of making it down there. Not unlike the unused bed units at the tennis
facility this Òfound spaceÓ should be given back to the Community.
Why do we create value for these developers if there is no
perpetual legacy for the resort and community?
This is the legacy I would suggest to both these opportunities.
And the numbers can more than work for everyone. We have land in Spruce Grove
that will accommodate a combined indoor tennis and squash complex with an
attached curling facility. Complementing the existing ball facility this new development
would provide the critical mass to support a restaurant and bar,
physio-massage, and work-out areas. Visitors and residents alike would flock to
such a (dare I use the term) Òworld class facilityÓ and we would all be the
And the existing squash courts? Blow the wall out into the
parking lot and finally deliver to the ever-popular Whistler Gymnastics Society
a permanent facility.
If I hear one more developer promise us an outdoor skating rink
in return for condos I'll throw up.
Let's show some community resolve here and ensure our future
for our kids and businesses.
Michael d'Artois
Thanks for coming out
On behalf of the Whistler Museum & Archives, I would like to thank all those who attended our Concierge and Front Desk Staff Reception on June 14th at the Gallery Chateau Whistler. Special thanks to Emma and staff at the Gallery Chateau Whistler as well as to the Fairmont for generously sponsoring and supporting the event. It was an enjoyable evening and we look forward to hosting a second reception in the near future.
Jimi Galvao, Program and Design Coordinator
Whistler Museum & Archives