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Learning the ropes on the road05-10-2001

WHO: Deville WHERE: The Boot WHEN: Sunday, May 13 Third time's a charm. At least that's what Deville is hoping. The young pop punk band out of Calgary has set out on their third tour in just nine months.

Pique n your interest

Spring clean

Weekend Entertainment Listings

Friday, May 4 ON STAGE Who: The Whole Damn County Where : Moe Joe's The local boys are back, banging out a never-ending list of rock favourites to keep you rocking all night. Who : Doug and Greg Where : Dubh Linn Gate They're Whistler's wackiest duo.

The Complete package

WHO: Complete WHERE: The Boot WHEN: Sunday, May 6 The road to musical success is one full of twists, especially in Canada, where overnight stardom is just a fairytale.

Pushing the comfort zone

A large hole will be left in Whistler's musical community this week as Karen Thirlwall prepares to move on to other parts of the country.

The Source

SPECIAL EVENTS SAFARI ON ICE. The Whistler Skating Club’s carnival follows a safari through Africa theme, from Egypt to South Africa. Gary Beacon, a former Canadian senior men’s national competitor, is scheduled to be the guest skater.

Ahead of schedule

WHO: Slow Nerve Action WHERE: The Boot WHEN: Monday, May 7 Working and living under the same roof? Not everyone can say they’d like to share space with co-workers, but the local boys of Slow Nerve Action just don’t seem to get on each other

Playhouse goes off without a hitch

Just under 1,000 people attended the April 20 all night Playhouse Party and organizers and officials are happy to report the event went off without a single incident.

County goes NMWest

Vancouver’s NewMusicWest Festival kicks off this Wednesday and local boys Whole Damn County will be part of the prestigious showcase.

County goes NMWest

Vancouver’s NewMusicWest Festival kicks off this Wednesday and local boys Whole Damn County will be part of the prestigious showcase.