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Triathlon road closures announced

With so many triathletes striving for record times in the Squamish Triathlon on July 14, you might want to give up any hope of making some record driving times of your own.

Joyride continues to grow

As the days count down to Joyride 2002, a bikercross on July 3 featuring some of the top mountain bikers in the world, the list of registered competitors is continuing to grow.

Original snowboard federation shuts down

ISF announces insolvency The International Snowboard Federation, the original sanctioning body for pro snowboarding events, has terminated operations after the Board of Directors voted, with one abstention, to follow the advice of the excutive commit

Whistler athletes halfway there

Whistler’s long distance athletes split up this weekend, with one group participating in the Scotiabank Vancouver Half-Marathon and the other group racing in the New Balance Half Iron triathlon in Victoria on June 23.

Gravity Series uphill / downhill Tuesday

The Whistler Gravity Series will continue on Tuesday, July 2 at the Whistler Mountain Bike Park, combining the scheduled downhill event with the uphill/downhill competition that was postponed.
Dare to air

Dare to air

Air Downhill 2002 attracts international field With the announcement that Grouse Mountain’s World Cup downhill and 4-Cross were cancelled after race inspectors found four metres of snow on the course, Whistler-Blackcomb, Joyride Productions and

The hot pursuit

Heat, humidity factors in Test of Metal bike race The heat was on intense for the 67-kilometre Test of Metal mountain bike race on June 22, with temperatures climbing as high as 27 degrees Celsius for the more than 800 participants.

Riding the waves of success

Surf champion puts more girls on surfboards In Long Beach, Tofino, where the locals obsess over the swell rather than the snow, about 20 girls make their way across the sand. They walk with a singular purpose toward the water. Few talk.

Spud run on Canada Day

Organizers of the sixth annual Spud Valley 7 kilometre Run/Walk are inviting people to celebrate Canada day by covering a small part of it on foot.

Eagles on top once again

The Pemberton Laoyam Eagles dragon boat team returned to False Creek and the Alcan Dragon Boat Festival last weekend to defend the title, which they have held for the past two years.