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Horgan says he regrets child-care frustrations around last-minute holiday

Horgan says he regrets child-care frustrations around last-minute holiday

Premier says province has collective agreements that say if the federal government mandates a holiday, that holiday is also in effect in B.C.
British monarchy supports legacy of harmful colonial conquest, critics say

British monarchy supports legacy of harmful colonial conquest, critics say

Eileen Ramirez says she sees the Queen’s death as a huge loss to her family, but she’s not mourning her as a monarch.
How to watch Queen Elizabeth's funeral on television

How to watch Queen Elizabeth's funeral on television

Funeral for Queen begins at 3 a.m. Pacific time on Monday, 11 a.m. in London.
A look into how Canadian cities deal with student housing

A look into how Canadian cities deal with student housing

Cities have four broad approaches when it comes to urban planning strategies for off-campus student housing, the study says.
TikTok-famous bear in North Van put down

TikTok-famous bear in North Van put down

A seemingly entertaining video of a fridge-raiding bear displayed behaviour that led to it being killed by conservation officers
The 'shroom boom': How B.C. has adapted to the psilocybin movement

The 'shroom boom': How B.C. has adapted to the psilocybin movement

B.C.'s 'shroom boom' goes digital with websites that offer microdosing options to promote wellbeing.
Precious ring mistakenly tossed into sea found by teen with metal detector

Precious ring mistakenly tossed into sea found by teen with metal detector

This North Vancouver woman counts herself extremely blessed after a friendly neighbour helped her find a cherished ring that slipped from her finger
Dead 7-foot-sturgeon found by Richmond beachcomber

Dead 7-foot-sturgeon found by Richmond beachcomber

Sturgeon can live up to 100 years and the fossil record shows they've changed very little over several million years.
Saying goodbye to a local Brackendale legend

Saying goodbye to a local Brackendale legend

Many mourn the death of Squamish's Thor Froslev, the builder of the BAG who fostered music, art, and environmental progress for more than 50 years.
Expect news on permanent Daylight Savings Time this fall, says B.C. premier

Expect news on permanent Daylight Savings Time this fall, says B.C. premier

A 2019 provincial government survey found 93% of British Columbians were tired of time changes twice a year and wanted to move to permanent daylight saving time. Many scientists, however, say the move would be reckless.