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Clothesline legislation needed in B.C., municipalities say

Clothesline legislation needed in B.C., municipalities say

A Nova Scotia law says no rule may prevent use of a clothesline outdoors at a single-family dwelling or on the ground floor of a multi-unit residential building.
Airline to pay fare for B.C. man's cancelled flights, rules tribunal

Airline to pay fare for B.C. man's cancelled flights, rules tribunal

A B.C. Civil Resolution Tribunal member found Philippine Airlines in default for not responding to the claim and ordered it to pay up.
Time to get tougher on repeat offenders, UBCM tells Victoria

Time to get tougher on repeat offenders, UBCM tells Victoria

Union of B.C. convention speakers expressed frustration at the numbers of repeat offenders going through the province's justice
What resolutions passed at this year's UBCM conference?

What resolutions passed at this year's UBCM conference?

The annual UBCM conference in Whistler dealt with hundreds of resolutions: from ferries to hospice to child care to cannabis. Here's a list of some that passed.
Boater caught on video 'harassing' pod of killer whales in B.C.

Boater caught on video 'harassing' pod of killer whales in B.C.

"I would say that this vessel was within 50 metres of orcas at several points during the encounter," says one witness.
UBCM: Municipal leaders propose increased support for solar panels, water systems

UBCM: Municipal leaders propose increased support for solar panels, water systems

While the province supports heat pumps, there are no equivalent incentives for home and building owners to increase their own supply of renewable energy.
UBCM: Safety regulations sought for those forced to live in RVs

UBCM: Safety regulations sought for those forced to live in RVs

Changes are being sought for the B.C. Building Code, Motor Vehicle Act and Manufactured Home Park Tenancy Act to keep those living in RVs safe and healthy.
'Wrong direction': Feds called out for approving 3 B.C. fish farm expansions

'Wrong direction': Feds called out for approving 3 B.C. fish farm expansions

Tofino-based Clayoquot Action says the expansions are in direct conflict with a federal promise to transition from open-net pen salmon farming.
Opinion: It’s OK not to drink

Opinion: It’s OK not to drink

'After two decades of binge drinking, I came to the realization that alcohol was no longer adding anything to my life'
Parents scramble for child care ahead of holiday for Queen's funeral

Parents scramble for child care ahead of holiday for Queen's funeral

While public sector employees will have the day off on Monday, many working in the private sector will still have to work, putting pressure on parents of younger children to find care with short notice.