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Spring fever

Spring fever

Contemplating a Caribbean vacation to escape Whistler's uninspiring winter? You might want to add a crash course on chikungunya (chicken- goon -ya) to that list of pre-trip preparations.
Oil prices drop as global warming rises

Oil prices drop as global warming rises

With oil prices plunging from more than $100 a barrel last summer to below $50 now, the consequences of a petro-fuelled economy are hitting home — especially in Alberta, where experts forecast a recession.
Time to take responsibility for our actions

Time to take responsibility for our actions

When future generations excavate, what will they find from our era? Old pop cans, new atomic isotopes, old cars, and plastic, so much plastic.
Letters to the Editor for the week of January 22nd

Letters to the Editor for the week of January 22nd

Staying and playing safe In the spirit of making the pursuit of the backcountry safer here's a few things that came to light over 40 years for me.
Nature vs. Nurture

Nature vs. Nurture

In case you have forgotten, or never even knew, the reason mountain resorts got started in the first place was not for skiing, climbing, or even hiking. It was for spa-ing.
Letters to the Editor for the week of January 15th

Letters to the Editor for the week of January 15th

What's in a name Thanks Dan Redford for the clarification on the origin of D.O.A. ( Pique , Jan 8). I have been trying to tell anyone who would listen about it for years. I remember a day or two after Dan and Trevor Petersen first skied it, D.O.
Would barriers save lives?

Would barriers save lives?

It was late September of 1992 when I arrived at the shores of Carpenter Lake.
The strategy of the Paris attacks

The strategy of the Paris attacks

After Ahmed Merabet, a French policeman, was killed outside the Charlie Hebdo offices in Paris last week, his brother Malek said: "My brother was Muslim and he was killed by two terrorists, by two false Muslims. Islam is a religion of peace and love.
Perry Schmunk; Life after Whistler

Perry Schmunk; Life after Whistler

"People who cannot invent and reinvent themselves must be content with borrowed postures, secondhand ideas, fitting in instead of standing out." - Warren G. Bennis He's the newly elected mayor of Tofino.
Mother Nature — a force to be reckoned with and treated with respect

Mother Nature — a force to be reckoned with and treated with respect

If there is one thing each of us knows it is that Mother Nature can never be taken for granted.