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Ornulf Johnsen – A life on skis

Ornulf Johnsen – A life on skis

My friggin' feet no longer operate as fast as my god damn brain wants them to in order to avoid being catapulted into space when hitting the first bump!" - Ornulf Johnsen, Whistler's First Director of Skiing His sense of humour is sharp.
‘Where families gather?’

‘Where families gather?’

Love it or hate it, the Rainbow development is finally taking shape. My partner and I bought in this past May after five years on the WHA housing list. We look forward to moving in this November.
Olympic security overload

Olympic security overload

If there's a successor to the overused, under-explained, now ubiquitous term "sustainability" it might be "security.
I can see my house

I can see my house

Hey, I can see my house. Sort of. The Google Map car never drove up my lane, but using Google Street View I can see the lane that leads to my house, and a bit of my driveway, and I guess that's kind of cool for about 10 seconds.
Seeking Mountain Satori – Exploring the edge with Nathalie

Seeking Mountain Satori – Exploring the edge with Nathalie

Just do it. Interesting, isn't it, how some people are okay with standing on the sidelines while others leap into the churning stream of life and start paddling away like it was the most natural thing to do. Consider Ottawa's Nathalie Gervais.
We can change future Games

We can change future Games

Last week Pique ran a column headlined "Do Olympic critics confront their enemies?" by Jesse Ferreras. I would like to answer some of Jesse's questions in the article.
The Olympics should spark some emotions

The Olympics should spark some emotions

With the opening ceremonies barely four months away, finally there is a little emotion bubbling to the surface of what have been the placid waters of the 2010 Olympics.
Catching the Wave

Catching the Wave

A lot of ink has recently been dedicated to Google Wave (, a real-time chat, social networking and document-editing platform that went into limited beta this week.
Nathalie Gervais – Teaching old dogs new tricks

Nathalie Gervais – Teaching old dogs new tricks

At first the name didn't mean anything. "How was your summer?" started the e-mail message. "I just read your article in Pique and I could see it's not been the easiest or funnest you've been through.
Winds of Change: Five years later

Winds of Change: Five years later

November 2009 is the five year anniversary of "Winds of Change: A Healing Vision." I've been involved with the Winds of Change since its inception. As a committee member the energy and momentum ebbs and flows.