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In over their heads

In over their heads

Anyone with the morbid curiosity to want to see what happens when non-swimmers try to tread water or, failing that, are left grasping at anything that might help them stay afloat, should have watched council deal with the Nita Lake Lodge proposal Mon
Slammin’ Spammin’

Slammin’ Spammin’

The Telecommunications Research and Action Center is fighting Internet spam and they want your help to do it.
letters to the editor

letters to the editor

It’s our future I have just returned from the WORCA Whistler. It's our Future sustainability workshop. My husband Ross and I also attended the "official" workshops a few weeks ago. But this time our feelings could not be more opposite.
Affordability key to sustainability

Affordability key to sustainability

Municipal administrator Jim Godfrey and Mayor Hugh O'Reilly announced this week that the first phase of the Whistler. It's our Future process is going to be extended.
A sustainable way of funding community needs?

A sustainable way of funding community needs?

"Some policies we espouse are so nebulous we can prop up almost anything with them.
New Stone hunter studio opens with Solid Ground show

New Stone hunter studio opens with Solid Ground show

What: Solid Ground show and opening Where: Stone Hunter Studio, 7331 Old Mill Road, Pemberton Industrial Park When: Sept. 8, noon to 6 p.m.
Get into the game

Get into the game

Hollywood’s reign as the entertainment capital of the world has been in decline lately as production companies cross the ocean and the border looking to stretch their dollars a little further.
The second summit

The second summit

Although corporations and governments have long made the case that the global economy is helping to bring peace and prosperity to the world’s poorest nations, the African leaders at the UN Global Earth Summit made it clear that they are not nece
CN-BC Rail partnership makes sense

CN-BC Rail partnership makes sense

Next week, when the kids are safely back in school and the world of Realpolitik resumes, the B.C. Liberals will hold a provincial summit on transportation.
You gotta have art

You gotta have art

While the Web is traditionally heralded as a venue to conduct business and research for fourth grader’s reports on dinosaurs or volcanoes, it has also been readily adopted by the art world. Not just as a place to show off their art, either.