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Re-Use-It Centre celebrates anniversary with auction

Re-Use-It Centre celebrates anniversary with auction

To celebrate the one-year anniversary since doubling in size the Re-Use-It Centre in Function Junction is holding a two-for-one clothing sale on Saturday, Oct. 16.
This week's letters

This week's letters

This is a rebuttal to Joe Bako's letter (Logging decision costs province, Pique Oct. 1).
Housing is the issue, again

Housing is the issue, again

"Our challenge is to stay a vibrant community. It’s making people feel that they can see a future for themselves in Whistler. I think that is the most pending and immediate issue.
DVDs are crap

DVDs are crap

Two out of the last three DVDs I’ve rented have had technical problems, dirt and scratches that stopped the movie mid-stream, forcing me to go through an awkward and annoying fast forward and rewind process to get back to the exact spot where th
This week's letters

This week's letters

Where is Terasen’s commitment to sustainability? In the article headlined "Terasen looks to Whistler for pipeline support" from last week’s Pique, Terasen officials expressed that they, like many, including myself, would like a co
New tourism money welcome, but province not overly generous

New tourism money welcome, but province not overly generous

The provincial government deserves kudos for its announcement late last week that it was putting $50 million of new money into a "sweeping new tourism strategy". Half of the money will go to Tourism B.C.
Google gets regional

Google gets regional

Google, the search engine turned e-mail service provider, is getting more regional with the launch of a new partnership with the Canadian Yellow Pages directory. The new partnership puts more than 2.
This week's letters

This week's letters

I recall one day sitting atop Whistler Mountain near the Khyber hut remarking to my friend, "Can you imagine a 737 roaring through this valley on its way to Pemberton?" At the time, it seemed a crazy thought with little substance.
Flying the friendly skies

Flying the friendly skies

Well you've cracked the sky, scrapers fill the air.
Windows under attack

Windows under attack

Despite the well-publicized arrests and the tough language being used to scare off computer hackers, Internet security company Symantec says the number of new viruses and worms aimed at Microsoft Windows is up 400 per cent from January to June of 200