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feature 235

Across most of Canada, the one-room school has fallen into the annals of history — four walls, desks, a chalkboard and a whole bunch of memories that occupy a place in the hearts of generations of Canadians who learned their readin', writin' and 'rit

feature 234

By Bob Barnett From the 5,500 foot level of the Skywalk Trail, on the flanks of Rainbow Mountain, hikers will be able to see the Tantalus Mountain range, Black Tusk, Wedge Mountain and Fissile.

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By Glen Watson This is a tale of two people and two cars, nothing more. Or is it? In these rare examples, found in Whistler, there is a synergy.

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In 1893 Stanley Smith went off in search of a lost explorer in the vast Coast Mountain wilderness between Squamish and Chilko Lake — 150 kilometres of rugged terrain that contains valleys like the Sims, Clendenning and Upper Lillooet.

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Yahooing the Green and Birkenhead Rivers By G.D. Maxwell On the way to Green Lake, there's a hill. It's not much of a hill, but then this isn't much of a school bus either.

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"Doing good seeking rewards is a contaminated virtue. Doing good without thought of reward, dedicating it to enlightenment, is uncontaminated virtue.

feature 229

Summer vacations Bike/car camping in the Rockies By Grant Lamont I've never in my life seen so much stuff crammed into the old Golf as when we loaded up to go south on our road trip.

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The rules run through it Dan Swanstrom has a one track mind — actually his mind would better be described as a singletrack mind. Swanstrom is a 41-year-old carpenter who has lived in Whistler for the past decade.

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Whistler residents seem to wage an ongoing debate about what it takes to be a "local.

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Oh Canada, our home and native land By Bob Barnett Ownership of land. For generations of Canadians it has been considered a right.