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By Shari Burnett WHO: SuperSuckers WHERE: Maxx Fish WHEN: Monday, February 19 e’vil n. An evil force, power or personification.

United front

WHO: Threat From Outer Space WHERE: Maxx Fish WHEN: Feb. 21 It’s a close encounter of the musical kind.

Get Stuffed - Food waste need not be wasted

A Canadian company converts food waste into fertilizer on an industrial scale Every crust you don’t finish, every leaf that wilts, every piece of meat that turns bad or gets left on the bone typically winds up in Whistler’s landfill, taking

maxed out -Time travels at the keyboard

One of the ironies of personal computers – and trust me, there are many – has been their impact on the relativity of time.

Bittersweet motel

Gone Phishing

Gone Phishing

WHAT: Bittersweet Motel WHERE: Rainbow Theatre WHEN: Feb. 16-17 at 11 p.m.; Feb. 17-18 at 4:20 p.m. Whether you’re a Phish fan or just enjoy good cinema, you won’t want to miss a special presentation at Whistler’s Rainbow Theatre.

Intrawest rooms going after the entertainment dollar

As a world class resort, Whistler has many expectations thrust upon it: high-speed mountain access, high quality accommodation… the list goes on. Intrawest is recognizing that high-end entertainment is no less important.

HuskaVarna exploiting Whistler roots

WHO : HuskaVarna WHERE : The Boot Pub WHEN : Sunday, Feb. 11 Club tours, music videos, a new CD – and marmots? Yep, local boys HuskaVarna have a lot on their plate and they’re eating it up.

Jeffree rebounds with sounds from Far East

WHO: DJ Jeffree WHERE: Tommy Africa’s WHEN: Feb. 11 In just six years he’s gone from Jeffree Atizado of Vancouver to DJ Jeffree world traveller.

Maxed out - Exposed and going over the edge

"E=MC 2 " Albert Einstein "6.023 x 10 23 " Amedeo Avogadro "Math is hard." Barbie "*#@%!!&" G.D.