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So which is it?

So which is it?

"Pay parking rates are projected to be $8 per day in the winter and $12 per day in the summer. Revenue from pay parking is estimated to be $2 million per year.
Tommy Thomson: It's all about the positive

Tommy Thomson: It's all about the positive

It's not often that a 24 year old starts a conversation with: "My dad recommended that I..." But that's exactly how Tommy Thomson started ours. The only son of Whistler's most popular citizen (see Pique Dec.
Enlightenment arrives, details to follow

Enlightenment arrives, details to follow

Perhaps it's telling that VANOC will finally reveal its long-awaited transportation plan after most of the Olympic test events are over.
Praise for Windows 7

Praise for Windows 7

Given Apple's unfortunate decision to launch their new line of MacBooks without a Firewire port, as well as the fact that I can almost get two very good PC laptops for the price of a MacBook Pro with Firewire, I'm seriously thinking of switching back
Growing the culture of participation

Growing the culture of participation

For those of us who work to improve public participation processes, your editorial "Great expectations are met through participation" is pointing all in the right direction.
Of inspiration, hope and responsibility

Of inspiration, hope and responsibility

Our challenges may be new. The instruments with which we meet them may be new. But those values upon which our success depends - hard work and honesty, courage and fair play, tolerance and curiosity, loyalty and patriotism - these things are old.
Internet killed the media star

Internet killed the media star

While there is no doubt that the current woes facing the newspaper industry in Canada have been exacerbated by the financial crisis, print media were already in deep trouble before the world banking system unraveled.
Lars Andrews – Turning a passion into a business

Lars Andrews – Turning a passion into a business

When I was a kid I spent a lot of time skiing and touring with my dad in New Hampshire's Presidential Range. Ever heard of it? Though modest by western standards, these are still impressive mountains - the highest peak in the range, Mt.
Great expectations are met through participation

Great expectations are met through participation

For those people in Whistler who ended 2008 vaguely cognizant of layoffs in the auto industry, the implosion of the commodities market, the chaos on Wall Street and Bay Street and questions about when and if the excrement was going to hit the fan in
Smaller, better CES

Smaller, better CES

It was a muted Consumer Electronics Show in Vegas this year, with most tech companies reeling from the economic crisis and its impact on sales and stock prices.