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Investing in the community

Investing in the community

By Michel Beaudry Education is vital to Whistler’s future. At least, that’s what Dave Demers believes. “Education will drive families here,” says Whistler’s 2006 Business Person of the Year. “Education will also keep families here long-term.
The Internet only crew

The Internet only crew

In the beginning many businesses saw the Internet as an augmentation to traditional marketing, a virtual storefront to complement their brick and mortar establishments.
The technology margins

The technology margins

There’s no question that the successful high-tech companies of the world can make a lot of money. Last quarter Apple posted a billion dollar profit, while the big telecommunications companies are reporting profits in the hundreds of millions.
The good-news world

The good-news world

Aside from a couple of disastrous days on the highway, the weather this winter has been just about perfect for a ski resort.
Living the dream

Living the dream

By Michel Beaudry She comes by her sense of adventure honestly. “My mother was a keen skier,” says Lisa Richardson, “but my dad wasn’t. When they eventually broke up, mum decided that skiing would become our family holiday thing.
In praise of London Drugs times five, compassionate security, chez ouvrez at Signal Hill, and a dusty icon,

In praise of London Drugs times five, compassionate security, chez ouvrez at Signal Hill, and a dusty icon,

Retail strategy a smokescreen It's pretty ridiculous that the RMOW is dragging their feet in regards to the London Drugs Store in Whistler Village.
More highway woes, Transit responds, in praise of London Drugs, when garbage goes bad, feasting at the fest, and museum thanks

More highway woes, Transit responds, in praise of London Drugs, when garbage goes bad, feasting at the fest, and museum thanks

Let’s help as much as we can Further to Paul Mathews’s letter last week on the Dec. 14 highway closure, I too was on the highway that night. I had been to the city to drop my car off for repair work.
Apple does it right, gets sued

Apple does it right, gets sued

You really can’t blame Cisco Systems for its lawsuit against Apple Computers — they own the patent to the term “iPhone” fair and square, through a series of mergers going back over a decade.
A proud legacy

A proud legacy

By Michel Beaudry He was the token hippie on Whistler’s first council. At least, that’s what his three other colleagues first thought of him. But over time, they came to realize just how valuable John Hetherington was to their team.
Lessons from Canmore

Lessons from Canmore

In the 11 months before I began inflicting my opinion on Whistler the people of Canmore, Alberta endured my split infinitives and dangling participles. I lived in Canmore from the spring of 1988 to the spring of 1989.