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Notes from the back row

Reasoning on the edge of hidden treasure under the sea

Well, well. Here I am, once again, playing the charmed one with all of the insight into the films in which you seek to watch. Feet Banks has left me in your hands. Blame him.

This week folks, we are in for a treat. Nicolas Cage everybody. Good Old Nick comes through once again with his baby blues on a mission to find and protect a war chest hidden by the United States Founding Fathers after the American Revolution. In National Treasure Nick plays Ben Gates, who comes from a long line of descendants whose goal has been to protect the "most spectacular treasure in history" since the last signature was scrolled on the declaration of independence.

Umm, can someone please cue the Hollywood mass American pride movie? Its ready for its close-up.

Thanks Disney.

Good timing.

Clues to their fortune are hidden in the ink of the unfinished pyramids and the "all seeing eyes" that are printed on the almighty American dollar bill, which is nice. If only the American citizens knew that the key to their treasures has always been in their hands. Staining their fingers this whole time.

The big problem here is that the means to the end, as in the treasure map, is written in invisible ink on the back of the Declaration of Independence. This poses a problem of course, but who better to deal with it than Hollywood’s favourite Leaving Las Vegas, Valley Girl seducer himself. Let’s just pray that whatever’s in that box is hope. I’m sure we can all use some in this state of the age.

Pleasure overload. I can barely even handle doing my job lately because The Spongebob SquarePants movie is now in theatres. If you haven’t watched the show, well, you should. And the movie, apparently, is bigger, and more absorbent. It’s about a sponge that lives in a pineapple under the sea. Journey with him and his friends like Patrick Star (yes, he’s a starfish) to save his boss, Mr. Krab’s, identity from evil. And of course, no under the sea mission that begins in a pineapple and finishes in victory wouldn’t be complete without Gary, the loveable sea snail. You should at least check out The trailers will make you pee your pants. Also, FYI, Avril Lavigne sings the theme song, so it’s already going to be totally punk rock.

Ah, relationship paranoia. We all have it. The weird little habits you get into. The reasons you break up with people. Assumptions, preconceived notions, and crazy shenanigans involving a jellyfish named Rebecca? You will find all of these things in Bridget Jones 2, The Edge of Reason . In the sequel to her diary, we meet back up with the lovable freak, Bridget, played by Renee Zellweger, four weeks after she has just begun dating Mark Darcy, played by Colin Firth. She already doubts the relationship and now has to deal with jealousy, ex Boyfriends (Hugh Grant) and possibly going to jail. OK, maybe all relationships don’t mirror this one at all, and maybe Bridget gets herself into the craziest situations imaginable, but hey, I think its noble; almost heroic, but more poetic. Putting up walls just to try to climb back over them. The nice thing about movies like this is we all get to see a little bit of ourselves up there on the big screen. That’s the beauty of romance and empathy. We all seek both.

At Village 8 Nov. 19-25: National Treasure; Spongebob SquarePants, Bridget Jones 2; After the Sunset; Polar Express; Team America; Alfie; Ray; Incredibles. Starting Nov. 24: Alexander.

At Rainbow Theatre Nov. 19-25: The Forgotten.