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Maxed Out

Sheepish Ontario voters have one final chance

By G.D. Maxwell I don’t know what the link between politics and love is but I’m certain there is a link.

Little Pauly, Stevie, Diamond Jack and the Canadian Way

By G.D. Maxwell "I am Canadian!" Well, I’m not. Not really. Not truly. Not by birth. By choice perhaps.

Quest for campfire

By G.D. Maxwell Editor’s note: This is an encore presentation of an earlier Maxed Out column. Max will be back, refreshed and reinvigorated, next week.

Some (unasked for) advice for my niece

By G.D. Maxwell Dear Nicole: High school graduation? Say it ain’t true.

A few bad apples…

By G.D. Maxwell Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. I’m pretty sure that was the high point of George Orwell’s Animal Farm according to the faculty at Father Guido Sarducci’s Five-Minute University.

Another winter goes into the books

By G.D. Maxwwell There are parts of North America, notably the northeast coast of the U.S., where seasons change with the flip of a calendar.

Lots of smoke; no sign of fire

By G.D. Maxwell It seemed particularly odd to be sitting on Dusty’s patio on a blazing spring day and not see a single soul wearing ski gear.

The defence: stressed

By G.D. Maxwell Okay, I’ll admit it. I’m stressed out. Way out.

A gathering of tribes, a collision of cultures and a rockin’ party

By G.D.

The debate that never happens

By G.D. Maxwell It’s spring. Officially. I know what you’re thinking. Spring rolled around a couple of weeks ago. March came in like a lion, left like delicate, perfect pink lambchops, leaving only sunshine and creamy spring skiing.