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Indie vs. Mainstream

Indie vs. Mainstream

The last few weeks have been somewhat interesting in the gaming world, to put it mildly.
A sense of place - Whistler's mojo revisited

A sense of place - Whistler's mojo revisited

"The man who trades freedom for security does not deserve nor will he receive either." - Benjamin Franklin What a dilemma... It felt like the last beautiful day in September. The sky was clear from one end of the valley to the other.
Local governments get some attention

Local governments get some attention

Once a year municipal politicians in British Columbia get the attention and respect of senior politicians and media, when they gather for their annual Union of B.C. Municipalities convention. And this year they are gathering in Whistler.
Brainstorm strikes home

Brainstorm strikes home

Although I do not often do so, I agree entirely with the statements made in the Maxed Out column this week (The brainstorming continues, Sept. 23).
Hearts and minds and CPUs

Hearts and minds and CPUs

The digital playground is also a battleground, with issues of copyright at the forefront and a conflict over net neutrality simmering on the backburner.
Jayson Faulkner - Onboard for the long-term

Jayson Faulkner - Onboard for the long-term

"The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honours the servant and has forgotten the gift.
Gratitude for search efforts

Gratitude for search efforts

The Bagnall family would like to express our sincerest thanks to numerous people in the search for our Rachael.
Playstation turns 15

Playstation turns 15

After you hit 35 you encounter almost daily reminders out there of how old you are, everything from hearing music from your prom on the oldies station to watching horrendous fashion trends like furry boots come back into vogue.
Sliding into the future

Sliding into the future

I got a telephone call from Argentina the other day. "Hey," said the caller. "This is Jamie Schectman. I'm phoning from Las Lenas. Just read your Alta States column on the future of the ski business at Whistler the other day and really liked it.
Facts a mere annoyance

Facts a mere annoyance

Facts a mere annoyance I thought my frustration had reached its limit with this asphalt plant mess but apparently there's room for more...