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Utopia, a work in progress

Utopia, a work in progress

Imagine… another development proposal for the Parkhurst lands.
The trouble with Vista

The trouble with Vista

When Windows XP hit the market people lined up overnight to be the first to purchase it.
More ‘stuff’ to consider

More ‘stuff’ to consider

The Travel section of last Sunday’s New York Times was subtitled The Ski Issue, the annual attempt to inform Times readers about what is new and relevant in ski vacations.
Measure twice, cut once

Measure twice, cut once

There’s nothing more dangerous than someone who can’t admit that they don’t know what they’re doing, which is why it’s not a bad idea to follow Socrates example and start by knowing you know nothing.


Conned, disgusted and homeless! As you all know, accommodation for the winter season is very hard to find. So when we came across a house in Whistler Cay Heights available for rent at a reasonable price we thought it was too good to be true.
Jack Turner: An imagination for the times

Jack Turner: An imagination for the times

Colourful, cuddly monsters enticing young kids to come outside and play in the snow. Freeriding pre-teens competing in front of judges for international fame and fortune.
Jack into Podcasts

Jack into Podcasts

Podcasts, for all their potential, are really not all that popular. That probably has something to do with the fact that there’s far too many of them, for the simple reason that anybody can make and post a Podcast.


Rainbow alive and moving ahead As one of the “project partners” of the Rainbow development, we would like to provide the Whistler public with some information on the current status of the Rainbow development.
First Nations will play a bigger role

First Nations will play a bigger role

If there was any doubt First Nations are going to feature prominently in the world’s perception of Vancouver and Whistler in 2010 that was put to rest with the unveiling Tuesday of VANOC’s mascots.
Patrick O’Donnell – Getting back to basics

Patrick O’Donnell – Getting back to basics

It’s a personal thing. Forget “stuff”. Forget “bigger is better”. The mountain tourism business, says Patrick O’Donnell, is all about turning people on — one guest at a time. It’s that simple, and that profound.