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A tough balancing act

A tough balancing act

The folks at municipal hall are sending early warning signals that some tough decisions will have to be made in order to balance next year’s municipal budget and the five-year financial plan, and one of those tough decisions may be raising property t
A tale of two file sharers

A tale of two file sharers

The Recording Industry Association of America better be making money these days, because they’re certainly not making any friends.
Direct from the drawing board - A village tour with Eldon Beck

Direct from the drawing board - A village tour with Eldon Beck

When landscape architect Eldon Beck first started putting together his new master plan for the proposed Whistler village complex back in 1978, the last thing he expected was to be still involved with this community 30 years later.


We can make a difference Our group, the Whistler Social Sustainability Speakers Series, is very excited to present renowned Canadian humanitarian, Stephen Lewis, this Friday, Oct 19 at 7 p.m.
The numbers Games

The numbers Games

Nearly everyone’s first concern when a city or country talks about hosting the Olympics is the cost of building the facilities for the Games. Canadians who know anything of the 1976 Olympics in Montreal are especially cognizant of this.
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I’ve only recently started to use the free Google Docs software applications to make a budget and work collaboratively on documents, and so far I’m impressed.
Eldon Beck: Nature as the textbook

Eldon Beck: Nature as the textbook

The Whistler story is rife with bigger-than-life characters. From Myrtle Philip to Hugh Smythe, from Pat Carleton to Andree Janyk, the list of individuals whose hard work and dedication have contributed to the success of this place is impressive.


Not convinced by arguments to close schools This letter was addressed to Dave Walden, Chair, School Board of Trustees SD48. A copy was forwarded to Pique.
An inconvenient message for Ottawa

An inconvenient message for Ottawa

Climate change. It’s the greatest threat the world faces; or it’s something you don’t have to worry about because it’s a) too big to worry about, b) someone else’s problem, c) a hoax, d) all of the above.


Godzilla in the mountains Re: Upstaging the Games (Maxed Out, Sept.