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Olympic tail wagging the Whistler dog?

Olympic tail wagging the Whistler dog?

I used to live in Whistler. Now I feel sorry for people living in Whistler. Everybody out there has been Olympically brainwashed. The rest of this province is now going to pay for your fancy crap. I hope it rains in 2010.
What Apple didn’t do

What Apple didn’t do

One Whistler blogger basically called me out on the fact that I’m always complaining that I don’t have the money to buy the latest tech gizmos, which may or may not have merit.
Pam Barnsley: Mocking middle life

Pam Barnsley: Mocking middle life

She’s says she’s a West Coast girl through and through. No doubt. From the time she moved from Whitehorse to Sechelt when she was 10, the Sunshine Coast was her seaside playground.


Still looking Eight months, hundreds of calls, hours of scouring the classifieds... And still no luck.
A new session is welcomed

A new session is welcomed

Back to school, but not back to Ottawa. “Canada’s new government”, which has been in power for more than a year and a half, announced this week that the current session of Parliament would not resume this month.
A season for gamers

A season for gamers

If you’re one of the people out there who is still on the fence whether to buy an Xbox 360 or the Playstation 3 — and I consider myself one of them, even if I’m teetering to the Xbox side — this autumn will go a long way to making up our minds.
Know Thyself: Staying true to Whistler’s

Know Thyself: Staying true to Whistler’s

Labour Day. To most Snoweaters, the last weekend of the summer always offers something of a bittersweet flavour. True, the long warm days of July and August have passed — and so too have the activities they engender.
Dave Patterson: Defining quality of life

Dave Patterson: Defining quality of life

He’s one of the most positive people I know. Always smiling. Always ready to lend a hand. And he’s one of the most talented too. Sports, work, relationships — doesn’t matter what it is, he’s good at it.
Taking care of taxpayers’ money

Taking care of taxpayers’ money

Last week’s comments in this space on the additional funding that the RMOW is being asked for to help build the athletes’ village elicited a call from Mayor Ken Melamed, who — quite rightly — pointed out some statements that were off the mark and req
Google’s guide to the galaxy

Google’s guide to the galaxy

First Google brought us the world, with tens of thousands of overlaying digital images mapping the entire globe.