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Beyond 2010: Preparing for the other side of
the Olympic tunnel

Beyond 2010: Preparing for the other side of the Olympic tunnel

Innovation. Bold thinking. Challenging the status quo. These are the conceptual pillars upon which Whistler was built. And it worked.
Finding labour important, but only half the equation

Finding labour important, but only half the equation

Stephen Harper’s Conservative government may work in mysterious ways, but this week’s “announcements” about expanding foreign worker programs shows that it is attuned to some of the country’s needs.
The high price of tech

The high price of tech

The Loonie reached par with the U.S. greenback last week for the first time since 1976, which is the result of several things happening. Some we can take credit for, others are the result of brewing trouble in the American economy.
The Sea To Sky Highway: Saying goodbye to a

The Sea To Sky Highway: Saying goodbye to a legend

It’s not like I’m going to really miss the old Sea To Sky Highway.


Slow down and live As I tuck my two children into bed tonight I thank God for them and I am thankful to have them safe and secure in my home. It’s these small blessings in a mother’s day that makes us so grateful for life.
Updating the Whistler model

Updating the Whistler model

Somewhere between last January’s Icon Gone event and the increasingly frequent horror stories about the labour shortage — that few people east of the Prairies seem to have heard about — a mind grown damp and mouldy from the summer of rain generated j
My online banking tirade

My online banking tirade

Without naming names, let’s say I keep all my accounts at a certain Whistler bank branch. I used to bank at different financial institutions in Ontario and Nova Scotia, then opened a new account at another bank when I arrived in Whistler in 1999.
The Prior Experiment - Taking ‘Whistler Style’ to another level

The Prior Experiment - Taking ‘Whistler Style’ to another level

There has been a lot of talk in Whistler recently about the need for economic diversification as the community grows and develops. And I totally agree.


More lighting required In last week’s Pique, there was a letter to the editor about a hit and run on Highway 99. The pedestrian was not seriously injured.


No rules on this road On Monday morning, at approximately 4 a.m., a very close friend of ours, Arni Arnason, was walking home from a house party.