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Google’s guide to the galaxy

Google’s guide to the galaxy

First Google brought us the world, with tens of thousands of overlaying digital images mapping the entire globe.


Parking lot politics rebuked With only a few days left of summer vacation, and with Back to School displays all over the place, I wanted to say that while I am sad that my kids are heading off back to school (I love the summers with my children!) I c


WAVE ready to break As a previous employee of Whistler Transit, my co-workers and I worked hard at providing the best possible service for the Whistler, Pemberton and Squamish communities despite the lack of funds provided and support from both the m
A troubling trend

A troubling trend

Anyone in Whistler who has followed the 2010 Olympics with even a thimble of interest knows that the athletes’ village is being built on donated Crown land next to the former landfill site, across the highway from Function Junction.
Facebook a waste of time?

Facebook a waste of time?

I’m not one of those people that checks their Facebook profile daily, and generally my visits are limited to sending birthday messages, checking for updates and messages, scribbling on a few walls, and rejecting invites to use the Zombie application
Johnny Burgess – Embracing the urban

Johnny Burgess – Embracing the urban experience

Do you consider yourself an artist? It’s the question every creative, inventive person most dreads. Do I say yes and sound pretentious? Or do I say no and betray my passion? It’s the kind of conundrum that no one likes to address.
Number Games

Number Games

“The community will notice that $6 million doesn’t go a heck of a long way.
Worst software ever

Worst software ever

In my many years as a desk guy, I’ve grown to loathe many software programs. Office 98? Formatting a large Word document was impossible, as whole sections of text would suddenly change formats with no explanation.
Cheryl Massey: From Sea to Sky to Sea again

Cheryl Massey: From Sea to Sky to Sea again

Given the town’s roots as a purpose-built resort community, I’m always curious to hear people’s stories about how they ended up living at Whistler.


Hydrogen not viable as a fuel Thank you Pique Newsmagazine for the well balanced article by Matt Palmquist regarding hydrogen fuel, its current usage and future possibilities.