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Tweet this, ‘book that…

Tweet this, ‘book that…

MySpace, once the golden standard for social networking sites, is rumoured to be teetering on the edge of bankruptcy. On June 16 the company announced plans to lay off almost 30 per cent of staffers, roughly 430 jobs.
Opera Unite is more than meets the eye

Opera Unite is more than meets the eye

In the crowded browser market, where Firefox now reigns supreme followed by Internet Explorer, Safari and Google Chrome, Opera has quietly been building its own fan base. There's a lot to like.
Shortsighted thinking

Shortsighted thinking

This letter was addressed to Mayor Ken Melamed and Councillors Grant Lamont and Eckhard Zeidler. A copy was forwarded to Pique for publication.
Alta states

Alta states

I was sure I did half the home chores.
A French perspective

A French perspective

Misery loves company, or so the saying goes. So in tough economic times, people feel a kinship if others are hurting, too. At the very least people want to know how others are doing.


Parties talk a lot about ruling from the centre, about bipartisanship, about the need to work together for the good of the country. I'm sad to say it's all bullplop. Grade A, 100 per cent bullplop.
Going digital (at last!)

Going digital (at last!)

After postponing the conversion twice to let the public catch up, the U.S. finally switched the airways from analog to digital last Friday, June 12.
The Nishil I knew

The Nishil I knew

I knew Nishil ever since he was seven years old. He actually went to University of Washington (not WSU) and he had graduated with honors. He went to work for Phillips Medical System in Seattle after his graduation.
Not according to plan

Not according to plan

I suppose I should take some of the responsibility for the children in our community not having school during the Olympics, for all this conversation and the hardship that parents are feeling. When I was a school trustee I just saw opportunity.
Our love affair with cars

Our love affair with cars

As a new part-owner of General Motors, I have to say I'm pleased as punch. Whether it's date night at the drive-in, family night at the drive-thru, or a good-natured game of chicken with the edge of a cliff, you just can't beat owning a car.