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Letters to the editor

Letters to the editor

School board has listened I wish to provide some background to the current discussions about the 2010 school calendar for Whistler Secondary School. Concerns are being expressed about both the substance and the process of board decisions.
Playing field favours rental managers

Playing field favours rental managers

Re: Owner-direct rentals questioned ( Pique news , April 30) The hotel tax is fair.
Better sense of timing needed

Better sense of timing needed

As President Barack Obama and others, keep emphasizing timing is important in tackling the recession.
The scamming continues

The scamming continues

For almost a year the spam filters at work and in my e-mail client kept the problem more or less at bay, but spammers are starting to sneak through the gates once again.
Feeling obsolete

Feeling obsolete

At home I have an old Apple eMac that I've upgraded as much as possible, but its days are numbered. It won't run Firefox 3.0 - I'd need to upgrade the operating system and the processor - and as a result my browser won't do a lot of the stuff I need.
The Dark Knight the only hope

The Dark Knight the only hope

Dear Batman, I know you're busy with all the shenanigans in Gotham, but do you think you could swing by Whistler on the upcoming May long weekend? Year after year it's been a weekend of mayhem with random beatings and theft and property damage and de
The status quo we know

The status quo we know

If Americans voted for change they can believe in last fall, British Columbians opted for the status quo they know when they went to the polls Tuesday.
A small sign of hope

A small sign of hope

I would like to thank both sides and the middle of the 'sled affair'. Bryce Leigh's effort to convince sledders they are actually part of humanity required courage that I don't have.
Shades of green

Shades of green

There have been times in the last month when it felt like Tuesday, May 12 would never get here. Tuesday is the day British Columbians go to the polls and chose either to continue with the Liberal government, or to go in a very different direction.
Enough with the LEDs

Enough with the LEDs

I remember an old alarm clock I used to have that glowed and buzzed at all hours, and used to make a little "flip" sound as the number cards (yes, I'm that old) flipped up and down with the changing minutes and hours.