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Pique'n Yer Interest

Mission possible:

A typical dinner party, the main course a delicious if sating memory. Desert bowls streaked with chocolate stand empty, wine glasses slosh ruby dregs, and espresso cups clink solemnly around the table. The conversation has been wide-ranging.

Could Whistler use a Rob Ford?

The clock is ticking on B.C.'s local governments. We have but 13 months before we vote on a new mayor and council, so it's not too early to speculate. And what a term it has been for our local lawmakers.

The trust gap

When council voted against rezoning a parcel of land 150 metres from where the asphalt plant currently sits - which would have made the plant more or less permanent in that location- the crowd went wild.

Down and out in the mountain kingdom

About a month ago I read a piece that made me very glad I hadn't written it. Titled "Return to No Fun City," it was published on the Walrus 's website in its blog section.

Long distance relationships might ruin your life

It ended like this: I was down on my knees by the door, tying my shoes and concentrated on them. She was leaning against a doorframe to the next room, arms folded across her chest. I was avoiding her gaze. It was easier that way.

’Twas the Night before Christmas, version 3.0

"Twas da nite B4 Xmas" And all through the streets Everybody was texting And checking their tweets. The stockings weren't hung But the LED lights glowed bright And we knew if St. Nick showed up He'd think our display was tight.

Old time Christmas

Growing up, Christmas truly was a magical time for me. Two weeks off school. A Christmas tree we cut ourselves from a tree lot in the country twinkling in a corner of the living room.

Why we need the oil sands

The world's biggest environmental threat isn't the bloodthirsty Japanese whaling campaign. It isn't the shark finning that puts tasteless soup before patrons at Chinese restaurants.

The hangover

I'm addicted. All I can think about these days is how it's almost here. I can feel it breathing down my back, staring over my shoulders, watching me. The pressure ripples up and down my neck and pricks at my brain.

Knowing when to shut up

As I've been told time and time again, in letters to the editor and on Internet chat boards, I've lost. It's time to get over it and jump on the bandwagon. The Olympics are coming and no amount of complaining or protest can change that.